Tradition Smallgoods Bacon Wrapped Stuffing Balls

During the week I scrolled past a photo of these Tradition Smallgoods Bacon Wrapped Stuffing Balls on facebook. Available at Aldi I couldn’t wait to track them down. These are definitely not a product I’d seen previously but I seriously hope they come back. Available in the chilled section you’ll pay $5.99 for a pack of six. That puts each ball at around $1. At first glance you might see stuffing and just assume these aren’t safe but look again. On the front is that wonderful label we all love to see – that wonderful label that says gluten free. These are a pork stuffing ball wrapped in bacon that will be ready in 30 minutes. The tray is metal so you can bake them in the tray – just make sure you remove all the plastic from the outer edge.

Tradition Smallgoods Bacon Wrapped Stuffing Balls

First I want to talk a little about the brand. I’ve never heard of Tradition Smallgoods before. They are a Western Australia company who provide meat products to a range of supermarkets. I’m not sure if they do more gluten free options than just these but I’ll look into them. Now onto these bacon wrapped stuffing balls, they will more than likely be a seasonal product which is why Brody and I are heading back to Aldi today to stock up our freezer. In terms of allergens, they contain soy and sulphites. Other ingredients include maize starch, tapioca starch, rice flour, potato starch, yeast, onion and garlic. You simple need to bake them for 25 to 30 minutes in a 200 degree oven until golden brown and fully cooked. The packet says serve immediately, however we ate some and let the others cool and they were delicious.

Bacon Wrapped Stuffing Balls

So if you can’t tell from all my little comments already these are a major winner in our books. The stuffing itself tastes like a juicy pork rissole. You’ve got the fatty pork that is held together with gluten free breadcrumbs and flavoured with onion and garlic. Of course that delicious mess is then wrapped together with smokey bacon. I found that the bacon didn’t peel off at all or come loose. In fact, you could even when warm pick these up with your hands and eat them. Brody wants to try these in a burger replacing the burger pattie. I must admit that sounds like an amazing idea.

If you do eat meat, then you should really try these. They will also work well for Christmas lunch or dinner. The kids will probably go crazy over bacon wrapped pork meatloaf. I mean I haven’t got kids so I can’t say for sure but I would. That’s it for the review, seriously short and sweet but these are good and good value too. If you are looking for more Christmas reviews including more Christmas at Aldi. Just search Christmas in the search bar or follow any of the links.

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Until Next Time;

Ashlee; The Aussie Coeliac.